Police Misconduct

All law enforcement officers have a duty to protect us and not abuse the power that they have been entrusted. Accountability is paramount to the criminal justice system. Police officers, their supervisors, and employers must be held accountable for their wrongdoings. Unjustified murders, unnecessary use of violence, degrading strip searches, sexual assault, coercion, and abuse of power are examples of police brutality and misconduct.

The law allows people to sue the government for civil rights violations. For over a decade, Attorney McKnight has been unapologetically holding police officers accountable through her legal work. From the courtroom to the streets, Attorney McKnight has successfully challenged countless law enforcement agencies’ conduct, policies, and procedures. Compensation and deterrence are our primary goals when litigating these matters.

If you believe you have been a victim of police brutality or misconduct, or you know someone who has been a victim of police brutality or misconduct, we are ready to fight for you. Contact us for your free consultation.